Frequently asked questions - FAQ`s

The following questions have been answered by Dr. B. Peter MiraMed / Salzburg.



FAQ: From which age onwards can nose surgery be performed?

Nose corrections are not advisable before the body is fully grown which is not before the 15th or 16th birthday of the patient. If surgery is performed during that time nevertheless the further growth of the nose can be affected.


FAQ: Is a nose correction painful?

Usually nose corrections are carried out under general anaesthesia. Smaller changes can be done under local anaesthesia. In both cases the operation is completely painless. Since we often use resorbable stitches, these do not even have to be removed later on.


FAQ: How long does it take till I can go back to work and socialize again?

All activities that are not too straining can be taken up again after one or two days. Unimpeded social life can start again with the removal of the dressing which, depending on the complexity of the operation, can take place one or two weeks after surgery.


FAQ: Which complications may arise?

The complication rate for nose surgery is very low. As with every surgical treatment secondary bleeding, infections, swellings, pain and oedemas can interfere with the healing process. However, these can be quickly treated, so that the final result is rarely affected by these complications.


FAQ: When does nose reshaping make sense?

Nose reshaping is possible if you have a broadened nose tip, a crooked nose, a saddle nose, a bump on your nasal bridge, a broad nose, or, more generally, if your nose is too small or too large. With all these measures it should always be taken into consideration that the reshaped nose does not only have to suit the shape of the face and head, but also fit the person's character. The aim of such an operation should always be harmonious and aesthetic nasal proportions while, at the same time, maintaining or improving the nasal functions.


FAQ: What do I have to bear in mind after having nose reshaping surgery?

Sports are not permitted for eight weeks after surgery. Cooling compresses applied to the eye and cheek area can minimise the regional swelling over the first 48 hours. You should only eat soft foods for approx. four days. You should not blow your nose for at least 10 days. The inside of the nose can be regularly sprinkled with saline or sea salt solution. We change the dressing for the first time after five to seven days. You should not massage or press your nose for 12 weeks.